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Lake Forest family's Renoir painting object of court fight about who is rightful owner

Ronald Lauder, Advocate of Art Restitution, Says His Museum Holds a Clouded Work

Pragmatic not Sympathetic US rejects ADR forum for Nazi looted art

Museum Welcomes Dispute Over Work

Opinion: Prosecutors' remarks about rape victim were wrong, unprofessional

GG's Bar and Grill closes abruptly; owner says landlord gave no warning

Op-Ed: Volunteers Shouldn't Have to Trespass to Maintain Dayton Cemetery

International law, cultural heritage & the arts: Subject of new ASIL Interest Group

Guest Blogger: Jennifer Kreder

Yom HaShoah Commemoration Inspires and Educates

Kreder on the Public Trust

U.S. Authorities Seize Painting From Museum, Say Nazis Stole It From Jewish Family

Reform of U.S. Cultural Property Policy: Accountability, Transparency, and Legal Certainty

Art Recovery Expert to Speak at Annual Communitywide Yom HaShoah Program

Kreder on the Public Trust

Authorities seize painting from Florida museum

Professor Jennifer Kreder Clarifies Statement Made to The New York Times about a 16th Century Painting on Extended Display in a Nazi-era Looted Art Dispute

A "Just and Fair Solution": Creating an Environment for Resolving Nazi Era Art Restitution Claims Equitably


Claims Conflict

US authorities seize painting from Fla. museum

Taking Greater Responsibility: Austria's Art Restitution Act and the Need for Further Reform

Reconciling Policy And Equity: The Ability Of The Internal Revenue Code To Resolve Disputes Regarding Nazi-Looted Art

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© 2021 by Jennifer Kreder.

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